Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm Off to See the Wizard. The Wonderful Wizard of ... D.C?

Well, I've made plans to go to DC to make an attempt at my first stab at viewing one of the country's historical cities. What better time to go than President's Day Weekend. I already got my debut outfit for my new boo...president. Just think grown, sexy, and patriotic. Yes, that's it! Keep that memory in your head.

I know I'm like the only American that hasn't been to DC. I mean it's not my fault I was raised in a small hick town in the south. Instead of going to the national capitol as a field trip like most young kids did growing up, we went to another backwoods hick town and learned the minuscule history of my state's government. Whoop Ti DAMN Do! Yes, it's bitterness reeking from my words.

I'm excited about hanging with my friend her family for the long weekend. I get to get away from NYC for a while, relax, and get a home cooked meal straight from Nanna's kitchen! *stomach grumbling* Which reminds me that I need to eat lunch.

Check in later...I may have a 'Question of the Day' for you guys.

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