Thursday, January 1, 2009

Double the Pleasure, Double the Fun

What is it about double dipping when it comes to relationships? You go through a horrid break up to just end up back together somewhere done the line. So, why do we go back?

Being that I'm single and all, I found myself thinking about beaus past and contemplating the reason they all ended. Recently an ex beau of mine has been sniffing around. At first, it was a definite ego booster. To know that an ex still had interest made me feel good but, I thought nothing of it. Now, he is still at it and I'm starting to ponder. Can I be able to redo this relationship? I'm sure it won't be the same as before. One, we are older. Two, we learned from the relationship in the years that followed. Even though things are pointing to the positive, I can't help but to think I been there and done that. So really, why go back?

So I got to thinking even more in depth about double dipping. Say if you go back, would you be negating what you decided on before? The reasons why you aren't together now. Or would you just forget the past and start fresh? This is what I contemplate while weighing my options about this repeated step.

In my situation, the love is lost for him but I can conjure it up if I need or want to. I don't think it will be hard at all. It came so easily the first time. I'm sure it can happen again, right?

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