Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Penny for Your Thoughts

Have you ever caught someone staring at you so intently that you were so compelled to ask them "What?" Or you noticed something odd and at the exact moment catch someone else noticing the same thing. Makes you wanna ask "A penny for your thoughts."

I'm a people watcher. I can sit and watch people all day. Its the most humorous thing I've discovered to date. It hilarious to catch and see what people are doing when they think no one is watching. In the city that supposedly never sleeps, someone is ALWAYS watching. Most of the time its probably me.

You don't need money to do it. Its free entertainment. You don't even need company. Well, maybe. It makes it funnier when you have someone to laugh with. I like to do it to pass time or get ideas for characters and plots for my stories. Hell, I even do it to have something to blog about.

Its easy to blend in the crowd and become like the air. Weaving in and out of people's gestures and conversations. I don't like to eavesdrop but if you make your business public I'm all ears!

I had to share. Now, I'm going back to people watching.

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I'm Off to See the Wizard. The Wonderful Wizard of ... D.C?

Well, I've made plans to go to DC to make an attempt at my first stab at viewing one of the country's historical cities. What better time to go than President's Day Weekend. I already got my debut outfit for my new boo...president. Just think grown, sexy, and patriotic. Yes, that's it! Keep that memory in your head.

I know I'm like the only American that hasn't been to DC. I mean it's not my fault I was raised in a small hick town in the south. Instead of going to the national capitol as a field trip like most young kids did growing up, we went to another backwoods hick town and learned the minuscule history of my state's government. Whoop Ti DAMN Do! Yes, it's bitterness reeking from my words.

I'm excited about hanging with my friend her family for the long weekend. I get to get away from NYC for a while, relax, and get a home cooked meal straight from Nanna's kitchen! *stomach grumbling* Which reminds me that I need to eat lunch.

Check in later...I may have a 'Question of the Day' for you guys.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ode to My Boo...I Mean President

Before I begin, can I please tell you how handsome my boo... president is? His swagger is impeccable. Michelle is one lucky woman. I'm sure she says that to herself EVERYDAY! I know I would. Especially, when I wake up wrapped in the finest Egyptian Cotton 1000 thread count sheets surrounded by luxurious amenities and the commander in chief slightly snoring in my ear. Oh yes, that would be the time I would say out loud "I am SO lucky!".

The single woman in me wants to hate on Michelle for snagging and keeping a GREAT black man, but the black girl in me swoons over the intimacy of the Obamas. The endearing looks, the loving caresses, the mutual respect for each other...I can go on and on. It makes me want to burst inside from all the love. I don't know how Michelle can do it. A camera would be bound to catch me staring at Barack with the sultry, animalistic, come hither glances. The ones where you didn't have to ask what that person was thinking because any moment the action would take place.

Lawd, let me stop talking about the president like that. Before I know it, CIA will be banging down my door confiscating my computer telling me I pose a serious threat. Probably label the the task Operation: Lewinski.

I digress...I meant to tell you about this web blog that was sent to me by my firend Lucky. It's called Obama Juice by Young, Black and Fabulous. That was it. Man, I really need to work on my digression issues. LOL.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ohh Mr. President!

It's official ya'll...Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States of America!

Today holds a special significance to African Americans. Part of a dream has come to play and people far and wide came to witness it. The overwhelming feeling of joy and aspiration filled my heart and the hearts of millions as we watched an African American man take the sacred oath of office. He is a sign of hope and change for many. On January 20, 2009 I was proud to sing our national anthem. I was finally able to hold my head up high and say the pledge of allegiance. I finally felt the slight elevation to equality. We dream big for a reason. Obama showed us it can be a reality.

Get ready world...a black man is running things!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Subway Love

Being a single gal in NYC, I'm subjected to things maybe the normal single girl doesn't encounter. All the single ladies in NYC you know what I'm talking about, right? For instance, have you ever been on the train minding your busy when you merely glance up to see the station you stopped at and catch the glare of the woman sitting across from you? You think to yourself WTF? Then you see her grab her man protectively. Or even worse methodically place a kiss on some part of his face. Once again leaving you like WTF? I mean really?!? I don't want your man. If I did, believe me a territorial kiss won't make him stay away.

Really, why do women do that? I gets under my skin. Everybody ain't after your man. I can never understand the unnecessary predatory nature of women on the subway with their boo. It baffles me even more when the guy ain't even all that! LIKE REALLY! Who wants a fat, ugly, cock-eyed troll? Umm not me.

What's even worse is what we NYers call 'Subway Love'. You've seen it. Especially on the day you curse love and anything related to it. In clear range, a couple (usually teenagers) booed up in the corner. For a split second you look in longing and adoration, then like a rude awakening you snap out of it. The overly giddy, lovey dovey, owee gooey PDA gets sickening. Suffocating, even. On a good day I have to brace myself from screaming at the top of my lungs "GET A ROOM!". Most of the time I just let out an exasperated sigh and roll my eyes. I should just do as my friend MD says "Just hurl a shoe at them.". Sounds like a great idea to me!

The things I put up with being single. I'm sure it would be different if the shoe was on the other foot when it is me in their place. Well until then...SCREW 'EM ALL

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Monday, January 5, 2009

Let's Talk about Sex...

I'm traveling with my little sister to my college alma mater and her future one so I can drop her off for the spring semester.

I remember this familiar drive all too well. As memories flood my mind of the same terrain I once drove through to get to my final destination, I can't help but get a little emotional. Then, I snapped out of it around the half way point as my lids became heavy with sleep. So now I got to busy myself until we get into city limits.

I got a text from my friend, hmm let's call her MD. Ok so she was mentioning to me that she just slept with this guy she been intimate with before. Now that's great and all cause she was going through a little sex drought. The events were unfolded and the convo left me thinking. Two things alerted my attention. One, she was on her period. Two, she selfishly had sex with him. Now don't get me wrong when both parties want sex ain't nothing gonna stop the swaping of fluids. NOTHING! So it got me thinking, could I have sex knowing I was on my period? If all parties were in the know about the situation, would it still be wrong if its done anyway?

While trying to stay awake, I thought about this. I don't think know I could not do that. Even if I wanted it so bad I thought my hooha would explode. I feel it's unsanitary. A lot of people disagree with me, but I'm sticking to it. There will be no laying down of the towel! Ick!

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mobile Post

Trying out something new. Want to see if I can post via mobile.

Let's if it works...
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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Double the Pleasure, Double the Fun

What is it about double dipping when it comes to relationships? You go through a horrid break up to just end up back together somewhere done the line. So, why do we go back?

Being that I'm single and all, I found myself thinking about beaus past and contemplating the reason they all ended. Recently an ex beau of mine has been sniffing around. At first, it was a definite ego booster. To know that an ex still had interest made me feel good but, I thought nothing of it. Now, he is still at it and I'm starting to ponder. Can I be able to redo this relationship? I'm sure it won't be the same as before. One, we are older. Two, we learned from the relationship in the years that followed. Even though things are pointing to the positive, I can't help but to think I been there and done that. So really, why go back?

So I got to thinking even more in depth about double dipping. Say if you go back, would you be negating what you decided on before? The reasons why you aren't together now. Or would you just forget the past and start fresh? This is what I contemplate while weighing my options about this repeated step.

In my situation, the love is lost for him but I can conjure it up if I need or want to. I don't think it will be hard at all. It came so easily the first time. I'm sure it can happen again, right?

Auld Lang Syne...My Dudes!

Happy New Year!

2009 is here and I'm not as excited for the year as I was years prior. NYE night seemed like any other night to me. The only thing special was that I was spending it with my family. I'm thankful for that, don't get me wrong, but a holiday surrounded by celebration and future outlook it flies under the radar for me. Now that I am older, this holiday should mean something different for me. Growing up I couldn't wait to break free of my family's timeless tradition of watching the ball drop from the confines of our living room year after year. I wanted to party with my friends or my current beau. A girl could only dream of the picturesque idea of ringing in the new year with her beau's arm wrapped around her kissing her passionately. Looks nice right? Well, that's NEVER happened.

I've partied with the friends already. Now I'm waiting for the beau. The romancing effect of it all. Until then, I'll just stick to the sight of my mama in her sexiest lingerie spraying us with cheap champagne. Yes, it's that sexy! Spending time with the people you love and that love you back, is what its all about this year. Eventually, I'll find that man to woo me into the next year. I can pop a bottle and toast to that!