Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Current Longings

I haven't seen my family in almost a year and I'm starting to get homesick. I miss my mother's off key singing to carols. My dad's grumbling about unneeded decorating for the holiday. My little sister freely walking around the house without pants scheming on the food being cooked. My older sister trying to change the way the house has been run since we were born. The thought of family all around me, even at time when I can't stand them, I still want them around. I miss the little things that got on my nerves before.

Love. Something I always wished for over my years. Experienced once or twice, but it was never reciprocated. Well, I don't think it it has. As I get older, I want it more than ever. But some how it seems to escape me. Relationships that I start don't end up how I figure them to. It's not really my place to make something out of nothing.

Family and love are the two things I long for right now.

1 comment:

YOUR... Male Best Friend said...

Hmmmm...interesting. I am thinking of my comment, though while I do, I think you should check out the second post on my blog. Great reads, I look forward to more. I'm now following your blog and if you enjoy mine, do... do the same :)