Friday, December 19, 2008

Are You a Good Person?

If someone were to you give you an opportunity at a new lease on life, would you be deserving of it?

I have been pondering this question for the past couple of hours. Earlier this evening I watched the movie "Seven Pounds", and the premise behind the movie was interesting to say the least. Not to spoil it for anyone that hasn't seen the movie, I won't get into any details. The question throughout the movie that the lead character would ask was "Is this person a good person?". The main character was dealing with the tough decision of who deserves another chance and if the person is worthy of it.

The art of sacrificing one's self for another person is a skillful art. Not a lot of people can do it. So, it got me thinking. Would I do it? No...could I do it? I want to say that I would if the person deserved it. I want to think that I am a good person and that I make right choices, but if it was my life or someone else I'm not sure if I can sacrifice myself. Does that make me a bad person?

This is definitely something I will be thinking about from now until well after the new year. Hopefully people will get a lot out of this movie. I know I did.

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