As you all know, unless you have been living under a rock, the King of Pop is dead.
It's still hard to say it, type it, or think it. I still can't let go of the memory of me frantically reloading the CNN homepage to see if it was true. It was.
My heart goes out the to Jackson family and all the fans that adore Michael. He was definitely an icon for everyone growing up. Gender and race played no role in the fact that Michael was the best. Period.
It was amazing to see a person in my time that crossed boundary lines and make a difference. You hear of the Malcolm X and MLK of the world's past and think, "Man, I wish I was alive to encounter a person like that." I can say I have.
I was born in the midst and world breaking success of Thriller and danced my way into my formative years with Bad. Michael and his brothers were with me all along for the ride. Their music formed a feel good barrier around me when I wanted to get away from life's craziness. I'll never forget listening to the Jackson 5 for the first time thinking, "Who is that kid dancing and singing like that? How old is he? Is he a midget?". I couldn't fathom a little boy could blow and dance like Michael Jackson. It was impossible. From that moment on I was in awe. My mom bought their records on vinyl and let it spin on the weekends as we cleaned the house. A tradition that stands forth today. Can't go a cleaning day without listening to a little Michael or the Jackson 5.
Even thought it's sad know that he is gone, he left us so much that we should be happy. I know as time passes, I will celebrate Michael and all that he had given me and the world. Great music. The only thing I regret and really sad about it that I didn't get to see his greatness in concert. During the height of his career, I was too young to attend a concert, but I thought I had time to see him when I got older. That makes me sad. Other than that, I'm celebrating Michael. I'm doing that everytimg I play his song or when I dance to his videos.
Michael is where he should be and I hope he is moonwalking all over the clouds in heaven.
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