Monday, November 17, 2008

All the Single...Men?!!

The Beyonce skit from SNL was the FUNNIEST thing I've seen in a while from SNL. It still has me rolling...

Enjoy :)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

the Incredible Shrinking Woman

For the past 5 months I've been taking the steps to shed some unwanted weight. In March I got a rude awakening at the doctor's office that sent me into a hyperventilating hysterical fit. But, once I received the news I vowed to make a difference in my life.

In June, after 3 months of self pity and wallowing in my new found plumpness. I started to take the measures to lose the weight. I started by curbing my appetite. I like food. Always have and always will. So, I knew I couldn't do the Lohan-Richie plan. I'm a healthy eater so I knew I wasn't eating the wrong things. The culprit was my ravishing appetite.

Now, I'm happy to say I am 40lbs lighter and smiling from ear to ear. After a family event last night left me reeling from all the great compliments, I can finally see the difference.

25 is of to a great start and I can't wait to see how it's going to end. Hopefully I'll reach my weight goal of losing my last 35lbs.

I'll keep you guys posted. :)

Monday, November 10, 2008


Say you found out that the car you are driving does not have insurance. What you thought you were paying wasn't actually what you were paying. The monthly payments were actually going to something non beneficial to you. What would you do?

I found out last night that my car insurance was canceled for non payment. I have been paying on car insurance monthly to find out I dont have any! The back story as quick as possible...

$80 monthly payment for 8 months + my cousin with a low insurance policy = SWINDLED

Whoever said "Family comes first." Definitely needs a KICK IN THE MOUTH! I'll finish up later...late for class

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Feels Like Home...

I just finished painting my living room! It was a labor of love, but its done. Pictures are coming soon.

Next task: Bathroom.

I'll save my bedroom for last. I still got to think about it. I'm so excited. I love creative projects. Once it's done a feeling of completeness takes over and I get all giddy. I love the feeling of satisfaction. Once all my ducks are in line and every room is designed and fixed...I'll have a housewarming. Hopefully end of this month or or the beginning of the new year. With all the holidays coming up, I got to spread the projects out.

The apt is growing on me. Add some paint and decorations, the hood don't look too bad :)

Word of the day: ADAPTATION

Until next time...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Solid as BARACK!

This skit in SNL sums it all up for me and many other Americans. I think Barack should use this song as a staple in his campaign and when he wins the Presidential Elections.

Just like they say in the song..."Solid as Barack. That's what this lead is...That's what we GOT GOT GOT GOT!"