Monday, October 19, 2009

Do You Remember Me?

I'm back after a long break. I've been writing in my actual journal instead of my blog. I didn't mean to neglect. I just sometimes feel like writing the words done releases more emotions than typing them.

Things have been like a yo-yo lately, but I'm starting to get my bearings.

WORK - Work is work is BULLSHYT. WWE is still getting on my damn nerves. She needs to just quit and stop reeking havoc on my life. Supposedly, I'll be supervising the office one she speaks to HR. We will see and I'll keep you posted.

MEN - My plate is full. Not saying it's with the right people, but it's full of potential and stagnancy. Those two things don't mix. I have old, new and reoccurring men coming in and out of my life. I need to put a stop to this, but I find myself enjoying. What is the saying....Bad attention is better than no attention. I just say the dating pool sucks and a girl needs some TLC every now and then. Why train someone new when you have a plethora at your disposal?

LIFE - Well that's the one thing that is actually going good. I made a decision on grad school. I will be doing the English Education program. I want to teach high school students and eventually go into teaching at the university level. The children are our future and I'm sad to ain't much of a future if we leave it up to the these kids now and days! They need a teacher that won't take shyt from NOBODY! That is me.

Well...that's it for now. I'll try to come back on here and deliver more news.